Make a binary number / BIN$

There are numbers, syllables, alphabet, various characters, but the character used by the computer is only two "0" and "1".

Usually, if you add 1 in 9, it will be 10 and 2 characters, but because there is only 0 and 1, only 1 will be added to 1, so it will be 10 (one zero) and 2 characters. This is a binary number.

"BIN$" command that change the number to binary number.

The symbol "` "(shift + "@" or left of "1") converts a binary number to a number.
0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ... count it with binary number.
Binary numbers count with "bit".
3 is 2 bits with "11", 8 is 4 bits with "1000".
Try it!
1. Let's make "16" a binary number
2. Let' make the binary numbers "101", "1010", "10100" a number
3. Let's make "40" to binary number
4. What is the maximum number that can be represented by 5 bits?
5. Let's make "-1" a binary number
CC BY IchigoJam print IchigoJam®