Let it judge / IF

Avoid if balls flew to you. Jump if there is hole.
"IF" is a command to let the computer judge.
If the button is not pressed, line 10 repeats.
Upon pressing the button, the program goes to next, and finish.
Each time press the button, the LED light and turn off.
Oh, while pressing the button, the LED is lighting?
Since the computer is fast, pressing the button will light the LED and go to the next judgment immediately.
To not go to next judgement immediately, add "WAIT".
Try it!
1. Keep pressing the button
2. Try to change "WAIT30" to "WAIT60"
3. Try to change "WAIT30" to "WAIT5"
4. Try to change "IF BTN()=1"
5. Make a program that pressing the button starts to blink the LED
6. Make a program that operates the LED enjoyable
CC BY IchigoJam print https://ichigojam.github.io/print/en/ IchigoJam®jig.jp