Jump game

Jump game that avoids enemies by jumping.
First, the main character appearance!
If you press any key, main character jumps!
Put out enemy characters.
Adjust speed.
And add game-over judgment, Completed!
Try it!
1. Let's change the main character to "R"
2. Change main character, let's hold ALT and press "R"
3. Let's change "RND(10)" to "RND(4)"
4. Let's reduce enemy characters
5. Let's make the speed very fast
6. Let's change "V=3*" to "V=4*"
7. Let's reduce the jumping power
8. Let's add a score using "CLT" and "TICK()"
9. Let's count and put a score of the number of jumps
10. Let's make original game by remodeling
CC BY IchigoJam print https://ichigojam.github.io/print/en/ IchigoJam®jig.jp