Make an Original Character / PCG - IchigoJam

A "cat" appears if you hold down a left Alt on the keyboard and press "C".
The character code of "cat" is 236.
To change this "cat" to a "stick".
Now time, to change to a small ball.
To a slanted line!
Program to write a favorite painting using binary number, 0 and 1.
Mr. Ice appears!
To return to a "cat", use "CLP" (clear pattern).
Try it!
1. Let's make a heart mark
2. Let's make a favorite character
3. Let's rewrite a alien of ALT + D by changing 236 to 237 (Characted code range is 224-255!)
4. Let's display the number for the binary number "10000000"
5. Let's make original character with 1 line program .
CC BY IchigoJam print IchigoJam®