Control the Time / WAIT

Let's do "wait" on IchigoJam.
A blinking square cursor on the screen means that the keyboard is ready for use.
Did you see that this cursor has disappeared for a short time? Let's try again.
If you change the number after "WAIT", the length of time for "wait" will be able to change.
※1 second = 60
The cursor has disappeared longer than before.
Light the LED, and turn off automatically.
Use the colon ':'(easy to mistake with semicolon ';') to concatenate commands.
Light with "LED1", wait with "WAIT120", turn off with"LED0".
To light the LED a bit.
If you change the number for "WAIT", changes the time of lighting of the LED.
Light the LED two times..
You can connect more and more with the colon ":".
Try it!
1. Let's do "WAIT" for 10 seconds
2. Light the LED for 5 seconds and turn it off
3. Let's do "WAIT 10000", in the middle, press the ESCAPE key to stop
4. Light for a long time and light a bit
5. Let's try to make an attractive LED light pattern
CC BY IchigoJam print IchigoJam®