What day of the week were you born?

Input Year, month, date, and know what day of the week?
Actually, it can be calculated by program.
First, a program to display days of the week.
Use "STR$" to display the beginning [0] of the string in the array.
Repeat from Sunday to Saturday with 7 days of the week.
Using "INPUT", put the year in the "Y", the month in the "M" and the date in the "D".
Let's display the fed data of year, month and date.
A "formula of Zeller" that calculates the day of the week from the year, month and date.
It is amazing to be able to know the day of the week with this!
Try it!
1. Put today's date and check what is the day today
2. What day of the week is my birthday?
3. What day of the week is the next birthday?
4. Let's display the days of the week with a different language
5. Let's make a birth month calendar
CC BY IchigoJam print https://ichigojam.github.io/print/en/ IchigoJam®jig.jp